Digital Eye Strain: How to Protect Your Eyes in the Digital Age

How to Protect Your Eyes

Staring at a computer, tablet, or phone screen for hours daily can affect your vision. Computer vision syndrome can cause eye discomfort, making your job or other tasks hard. At Locerne Optical in Wixom, MI, our optometrist offers effective solutions to ease eye fatigue. Learn more about computer vision syndrome and digital eye strain, including how to protect your eyes.

Give Your Eyes a Break

Taking breaks helps reduce strain on your eyes. Aim to look away from your screen every 20 minutes for about 20 seconds. Look at something around 20 feet away when you take these breaks.

Blink More Often

When looking at a screen, try to blink more frequently, such as every 10 or 15 seconds. You might not realize that you blink less while focusing on your screen, which can lead to greater eye strain and fatigue.

Anti-Glare Screen Filter

This type of filter helps block glare from natural light or overhead lighting. If you don’t have an anti-glare screen filter, you can move your screen as needed to reduce glare.

Reposition Your Computer Screen

Adjust your computer screen to be around 4 or 5 inches below your eye level and between 20 and 28 inches from your eyes. Changing your screen to this position can help lower the risk of eye discomfort.

Explore Eye Care Solutions

Look into options for protecting your eyes from screens, such as blue light glasses. These lenses filter blue light from screens to reduce strain on your eyes. Our optician can help you pick out frames for this type of lens.

Schedule an Eye Exam with Our Optometrist 

If you have eye discomfort and want relief, contact Locerne Optical at (248) 773-7330 to schedule an appointment. Our optometrist can examine your eyes and recommend effective treatment for eye fatigue, such as blue light glasses. Our optician can help you choose frames for these glasses in Wixom, MI.

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